How Spirit Heals Emotional Baggage

How Spirit Heals Emotional Baggage

My sister didn’t tell me that they could only stay for two hours. She said, “We’ll be at dad’s at 2:30 and leaving at 4:30 because we need to be back in Corona by 6 PM.”  I thought we were getting together for dinner and so I wasn’t planning on getting to our dads...
My #1 Secret to Joy

My #1 Secret to Joy

My dad had a relapse yesterday. Severe sciatica.  Extremely painful and demoralizing. When I left his place last night, I promised to come back in the morning and make breakfast for him and my Aunt Heather (she’s staying with him right now), thick salty bacon and...
Spiritual Rant, It’s All Ego.

Spiritual Rant, It’s All Ego.

I opened the book randomly and my eyes fell to this passage, A victim of the cancerous disease of egotism, he failed to realize that wealth always comes as a result of the commonwealth. He talked as though he could plow the fields and build the barns alone. He failed...