Journey of Love

Journey of Love

I have about 10 or so decks of cards that I use for self-inquiry. I love them because they spark the imagination, helping you to cross the bridge from consensus reality into a the deeper reality within. “The Journey of Love” oracle cards are one of my favorites. They...
Tired of Putting on a “Brave Face?”

Tired of Putting on a “Brave Face?”

Are you the type of person who when someone asks how you are doing, you reply “Great!” even though your heart is breaking? Maybe… • You or someone you love is going through a health crisis, • You’ve just lost the love of your life to a break-up, death, or even...
How to Achieve True Life Balance

How to Achieve True Life Balance

We were driving up highway 5 listening to author Dan Harris describe the downfall of Pastor Ted Haggard in his book 10% Happier. A very conservative Christian, Ted was unabashedly anti-gay. However, as it turns out, he had been seeing a male prostitute for many years....