Being Happy and Living Your Life’s Purpose

Being Happy and Living Your Life’s Purpose

Do you remember the commercial that shows a series of kids saying things like, “When I grow up, I want to claw my way up to middle management” and “When I grow up I want to be paid less for doing more?”   This commercial was such a sensation because...
So What Can You Do?

So What Can You Do?

I’m sure you’ve heard the horrific news…and it doesn’t matter what day it is, there’s always something. But some days, the horribleness is just too much to bear. So what can one person do? Since the beginning of time bad things have happened to good people, to...
How Many Self-Help Books Do You Have?

How Many Self-Help Books Do You Have?

My bookshelf is stuffed with self-help books.  I have Abraham-Hicks,  Eckhart Tolle,  Byron Katie, Joel S. Goldsmith, and many more. I love them. Each one is like a treasure box. I wade through the first few chapters looking for the perfect sparkly object; the one...
Relaxation Meditation: Focus on the exhale

Relaxation Meditation: Focus on the exhale

Have you ever heard the expression, “Take a deep breath and relax?”  Of course you have.  But this advice could be doing you more harm then good. You may have noticed that when you are feeling stressed or tense that it is difficult to inhale deeply, maybe...
In Need of a Breakthrough? Just Relax

In Need of a Breakthrough? Just Relax

Since launching my new content marketing business, I’ve become more aware of the importance of relaxation to the creative process. I don’t mean the temporary kind of relaxation that comes with a visit to the beach; I mean a deeper kind of relaxation. The...