Class 2: Authentic Power and Why It Matters
Hi there, I wanted to give you a quick synopsis of the book we're currently reading, "The Seat of the Soul" by Gary Zukav and an outline for the class on "Authentic Power and Why It Matters." The video is at the bottom of the post ;). If you have any comments,...

Reclaiming the Body, Finding Your Self
The chainmail fence that surrounded our home contained within it a small rose garden, a tiny yellow house, and three magnolia trees that stood sentinel between our home and the street. My favorite tree was the one in the middle. Its thick branches hung just low...

How to Free Yourself from Thinking Mind! JoyCode Book Club
We are reading one of my FAVORITE books, "The Untethered Soul" by Michael Singer! Oh yes, we are getting on the inside of freeing ourselves from thinking mind and the drama and trauma of our past. We're stepping into the fullness and allness of who we are! Doesn't...

JoyCode Book Club: How to Open Your Mind to Receive
Welcome to the JoyCode Book Club! We're still reading Open Your Mind to Receive" by Catherine Ponder. And I think that today's chapter on growth is my favorite. I know I said that last time, but this time I really mean it 🙂 We're on chapter 6, "Your Gift of Growth...

How To Attract Better Relationships
Welcome to the JoyCode book club. We're still reading "Open Your Mind to Receive" by Catherine Ponder and we've jumped ahead to chapter 5, "Your Gift of People Consciousness," which is all about relationships. Relationships are a path to enlightenment. Relationships...

How to Use Your Mind to Attract Prosperity!
Your mind is so powerful, your attention is so powerful that the whole world of media is fighting for it! So be mindful of who and what you pay attention to. What you give your thoughts to, you create. If you're lending your thoughts to the things you want more of,...

How I Met My Spirit Guide, Mary…and what she said changed my life
I sat on the floor next to my bed, gazing out of the glass French doors that opened to the balcony. My bedroom was on the second floor and there was a beautiful Maple tree is just a few feet from the house. Full and green, I often felt as if I were in my...

Self-Care, A Great Night’s Sleep, and Meditation
Meditate with me! It's day 13 of our 21 days of prayer and meditation...AND... we're still reading from "A Mythic Life" by Jean Houston...AND...I give you my unproven and unscientific theory on how to get more sleep...AND...I give you a meditation technique that will...

How to Connect with Your Spirit Helpers
I'm still reading, "A Mythic Life" by Dr. Jean Houston and I'm LOVING it! I'm receiving a ton of inspiration from it. Spirit is speaking to me (and you) through the pages of this book. One of the themes is living in the imaginal realm, the mythic realm. I can't tell...

You Are Meant for Greatness! Day 12 of Our 21 Days of Prayer
Hello My Beautiful Friend,Lately, I've been receiving a very strong message from Spirit regarding the state of our inner being. The message is this......you are meant for greatness, you are made of stardust and God-stuff. I know that it can be hard to believe this...