Breathing for Creative Problem Solving

Breathing for Creative Problem Solving

The act of breathing provides vital nourishment to the entire body. When done consciously, breathing deeply will not only create physical wellbeing by releasing stress and tension, conscious breathing will also help you to find creative solutions to any issues you may...
A Silly Article

A Silly Article

I recently read an interesting and somewhat silly article on the connection between deep belly breathing and fat retention. Basically since most of us are oxygen deprived due to either stress, which causes us to take in shallow breaths, and/or the phenomenon of...

Health and Healing by Andrew Weil, M.D.

If you’re confused about all the different alternative therapies available today then this book is invaluable. In it Dr. Weil discusses all the various healing modalities from allopathic (Western) medicine to Naturopathy and Shamanism in a clear and objective...
Releasing Judgments

Releasing Judgments

When meeting someone for the first time it is common to ask, “What do you do for a living?” or “Do you have kids?” We do this because it helps us to form a mental image or judgment of who this person is in our minds that in turn helps us to...
Bliss Lies Beyond Happiness

Bliss Lies Beyond Happiness

Judge and the other becomes your enemy Criticize and you loose your way Defend and you become weak Complain and you loose all power Compare and you loose your self Bliss lies beyond happiness Follow it and the way becomes clear Namaste. Photo Credit: Mikael...
River of Inner Peace

River of Inner Peace

Underneath all the stress of daily living, the anxiety of dealing with your family and the burden of your past, lies a river of inner peace. Inner peace isn’t something that you find “out there” and it has very little if anything to do with changing...