The eyes that you are born with, are the eyes that you will inherit

(Yoga and the Quest for the True Self, by Dr. Stephen Cope).

I love that quote, it’s poetic truth strikes at the heart of so many of our collective ills, including the myth of unworthiness.

Some of us feel unworthy down in our bones, and we’re not sure why. Maybe it’s because we had a horrible childhood, we’ve been to therapy, yet the feeling persists. Some of us had a fine upbringing with loving parents, yet the feeling of “wrongness” is still there.

Imagine what it must feel like to be a boy and indoctrinated into the cultural belief that God is a man and that he too will someday grow up to be a man. The subliminal message is that he, the boy, is made in the image and likeness of God. Indeed, he is the true child of God.

What place does the little girl have in that cultural ideal? Where is her freedom and her divine right?

Of course, we are the masters of our destiny, we are knowing that the Divine is neither a man or a woman but an unending mystery, and we are not blaming society.

What’s important is that we recognize that the wrongness we may be feeling is simply a cultural delusion, and more importantly, that we don’t have to believe it. 

In this video, I walk you through how being denied the pleasure of seeing yourself as a part of the Divine can lead to feelings of unworthiness and guide you in a prayer of freedom called, “My Life is One with Spirit” by Ernest Holmes.

We’re are now in the midst of a great spiritual revolution to the benefit of all humankind. And it begins with you.

Photo by James Wainscoat on Unsplash